Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Canadian web hosting wilderness

I just cancelled an account at a Canadian web hosting company who shall be nameless, but rhymes with Microsoft's old SQL tool. I moved it to GoDaddy. One quarter the cost, GoDaddy measures their disk space in gigabytes, not megabytes, and trying to get dot net nuke going at the Canadian ISP was like waiting for climate change. Lost a potential client when they wondered why a demo was so slooooooooooooow. Moved another website to GoDaddy from another Canadian ISP whose on line financial out look looks scary. Been trying for 2 years to get proper support for DotNet 2.0 from these guys. If GoDaddy can run code behind securely, it surely cannot be that hard. But they are another whole sad story of a pioneering Canadian internet company that lost its way.

I would really love to keep my clients' website here - local providers pay local taxes, local ISPs will refer local developers, latency can be lower, DNS faster, support for .ca domains but there comes a limit. Just
look where this blog is hosted.

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